Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Restoration

In addition to the powerful miracles and revolutionary teachings that occurred during Jesus Christ’s brief earthly ministry, the Savior established His church among his followers. After His crucifixion and the death of the Twelve Apostles, the fullness of the gospel was removed from the earth. This period is called the Great Apostasy, when there was a “falling away” (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3) from the gospel which Christ had established. The keys of the priesthood along with many precious truths were lost and the world entered the dark ages for over 1400 years[1]. Of this period, Dallin H. Oaks states that the Latter-day Saints “are indebted to the men and women who kept the light of faith and learning alive through the centuries[2].” After decades of spiritual confusion, our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ restored the fullness of the gospel through his prophet, Joseph Smith. This Restoration reintroduced the teachings and ordinances necessary for salvation of all mankind in their fullness.[3]

Among the many marvelous events that occurred during this Restoration was the coming forth of the Book of Mormon through the gift of translation given to the prophet Joseph Smith. The Book of Mormon is the keystone to the LDS faith; it is a companion to the Bible and tells the history of ancient inhabitances on the American continent. It testifies of the love God has for his people and its purpose is to bring people to accept Jesus as the Christ[4]

Additionally, the priesthood or the “consummate authority given to man from God[5]” was reintroduced in its fullness and is available to every worthy male member of the church. This authority is sacred opportunity to wield the power of God. It is used within the church to set members apart for church callings, heal the sick and perform sacred ordinances that will bind families together forever.

A vital aspect of the LDS faith is the belief of continual revelation. Members are taught to pray to their Heavenly Father and that we will receive a response if our hearts are worthy. We, as members of this faith, testify that the heavens are open, that God speaks to his prophet today and that we (both male and female) are entitled to receive personal revelation to our own sincere questions and desires if we are worthy and obedient. 
As women and members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we inherit a phenomenal history. We have been asked to stand tall in the face of many trials unique to this very day and age. This blog is an opportunity for us to support each other and to work through experiences which have never been faced before. With the knowledge and understanding of the Restoration we can come to know who we are, where we came from and exactly where we want to be. We are daughters of the Restoration, blessed with a divine heritage and destined to work wonders.

[1] The Restoration.
[2] Dallin H. Oaks. “Apostasy and Restoration”. Ensign, May 1995.
[4] For additional information see “Preach My Gospel” available in PDF on
[5] Boyd K. Packer. “The Twelve Apostles.” Ensign, Nov. 1996. 6.

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